UKOGL is pleased to announce important additions to the LAS files downloadable from its website:
– Key wells in Kent, Hampshire, Worcester Graben, West Midlands and Norfolk areas donated by Shell;
– Digitised logs in the Eakring area donated by Egdon Resources; and
– UKOGL digitised logs of older wells and boreholes in East Anglia, Herefordshire and Somerset
Negotiations are in progress to obtain LAS files for a significant number of additional wells from their original operators.
The UKOGL Trustees would like to express their gratitude for the assistance provided by all these companies in making available valuable datasets for open access by all parties.
LAS data coverage in Southern Britain available to download from UKOGL (October 2023)
UK onshore velocity well log images are now available to be viewed and downloaded from the UKOGL interactive map.
The velocity well log images for Conventional Oil and Gas wells can be accessed via the well log information panel, where available the images can be accessed by the ‘Downloads’ tab.
Velocity well log images are now available for 422 onshore wells and where available, the data is comprised of:
UKOGL has recently added to its coverage of onshore well data that’s available to download from the interactive map.
Transcribed and reformatted from a collection of National Coal Board data, it was originally supplied on 5 1/4″ floppy disks and is now availble to download as LAS data files.
Onshore wells with available LAS data can be filtered to highlight the coveage and provide access to the files via the interactive map.
UK Onshore Well loactions with available LAS data (NCB data in blue)
This data is made available as part of the ongoing project to provide access to UK onshore LAS data via the UKOGL interactive map.
Following the release of UK Onshore oil & gas well composite logs via the UK Onshore Geophysical Library interactive map, UKOGL is pleased to announce the next stage of its initiative to provide simple free access to deep borehole information. UK onshore digital well data in LAS format can now be downloaded without charge. All wells with available LAS data can be filtered, selected and the data downloaded via the interactive map as part of UKOGL’s ongoing project to make more onshore data freely available. As more LAS data become available the UKOGL map will be updated to display the increased onshore data coverage.
UKOGL Well LAS Data Coverage
The coverage of UK onshore wells with LAS data can be filtered and displayed separately to aid in data selection via the interactive map ‘Contents Menu’ selection tick boxes.
UKOGL Interactive Map ‘Contents Menu’
From the ‘Contents Menu’ select: ‘Wells’ – ‘Surface Locations’ – ‘Well with LAS’ this will display the latest LAS data coverage.
The ‘Legend Menu’ provides details on the well type displayed, LAS data is available for conventional oil and gas exploration wells, as well as selected coal bed methane and shale gas wells.
From the displayed coverage zoom to a well over the area of interest and select the well spot.
Well Spots With Available LAS Data
To access the LAS data select the ‘Downloads’ Tab from the information panel to display a list of available LAS files, complete with a summary of the included curves in each file.
LAS Data Listing With Available Curves And File Sizes
To access the LAS data select the ID hyperlink that lists the curves in each available file, once selected the curves will be displayed as an ASCII text file.
LAS File Data Display
To download the data select the ‘Download file’ hyperlink.
Please note that all LAS files are unverified by UKOGL and are ‘as supplied’ by industry sources.
UK onshore composite well log images are now available to be viewed and downloaded from the UKOGL interactive map.
The composite well log images for Conventional Oil and Gas wells can be accessed via the well log information panel, the data is available via the ‘Downloads’ tab.
To view and download the available well log image, locate and select the Conventional Oil & Gas well on the interactive map, select the ‘Downloads’ tab and then select the ‘ID’ link to access the composite log.
In support of the recent release of 2D, 3D seismic and well data located over Poole Bay, UKOGL have made available for download a selected set of data located offshore to the southwest of the Isle of Wight which provides greater coverage to tie this newly designated landward area to eastern onshore data. 11 of the 37 lines in the OX98-90 survey run onshore to enable seamless interpretation from onshore to offshore. The data set includes reprocessed 2D versions not available in the UK National Data Repository (NDR).
Instructions on how to access this data can be accessed via the Poole Bay Blog post here.
The intention of this exercise is to make it easier for interested parties to study this key area of British Geology. Additional offshore 2D data is available from the NDR but coordinates will need to be transformed to OSGB to match.
Now that Poole Bay has been designated a “Landward” area, UKOGL has archived and made available for download a selected set of data located in OSGB (National Grid) projection to enable seamless interpretation from onshore to offshore. These data include reprocessed offshore 2D and 3D versions not available in the UK National Data Repository (NDR). Well data, including LAS files, have been copied from the NDR database and relocated in OSGB.
The intention of this exercise is to make it easier for interested parties to study this key area of British Geology. Additional offshore 2D data is available from the NDR but coordinates will need to be transformed to OSGB to match.
Seismic Data Access:
The seismic data can be accessed by selecting the individual 2D lines and 3D surveys or by using the ‘Area Selection’ tool. The seismic data that is available for each line or survey is listed under the ‘SEGY’ tab of the information box. If interpreted versions are available they will be shown under the “IMAGES” tab of this box.
Well Data Access:
Onshore and ‘Offshore’ wells are presented as separate data layers and can be displayed via the options in the Contents Panel – Wells>Surface Locations>Well class>NSTA (Offshore) Wells.
Individual well layers can be displayed and made available for selection by switching each layer ‘on or off’ to filter the well presentation.
To access the available well data, multiple wells can be selected and highlighted using the ‘Area Selection’ tool or individually by selecting just the well spot location.
Select the ‘Downloads’ tab in the well information panel to access the list of available files.
To access, view and download data click on the ‘ID’ information box and follow the instructions provided.
UKOGL have implemented a new website feature that provides direct access to over 2400 interpreted onshore seismic images.
The interpreted images have been compiled and collated from reports currently held by UKOGL and can be viewed and downloaded alongside the seismic images that are already available for each onshore line on the website.
The interpretations may be based on pre- or post-drill prospect assessments and well results may have indicated that changes are necessary. For additional context please view the associated source reports where available, or the drill dates, finalised tops and times for any wells associated with the prospect
Neither the UK Onshore Geophysical Library nor the original interpreters warrant the integrity of these data and will not be liable in contract or in tort for any loss, damage or expense of any nature suffered by the user as a result of the use of, or reliance on, these data
The seismic lines that have interpretation images available can be selected and their locations displayed via the ‘Contents SideBar > UKOGL2D Seismic’ tab:
To access the available interpretations, highlight the displayed seismic line displayed on the UKOGL interactive map and then select the ‘Interpretation – view’ option where available:
A new window will open and display a list of all available interpretation images and associated source reports for the selected line:
Click on Image ID number to display the interpreted line; click on Source Report number to see the report from which the interpretation was extracted.
All available interpreted images can either be viewed on screen….
….. or downloaded and viewed outside your browser by selecting the ‘Download’ link on the listings screen:
UKOGL have implemented new website features that provide more information about the post stack SEGY data archived in UKOGL and allow direct download from the website. Non-commercial, including academic, users have the ability to download at no cost and with no paperwork after approval of their status by UKOGL; commercial users will also be able to download directly after agreeing the cost and signing a licensing agreement with UKOGL.
Access to information and available post stack data for individual lines can be made via a new ‘SEGY’ Tab option (1) on the seismic line query pop-up box:
Select the ‘Request Download’ button (2) if only a single line is required or select the ‘Add to Selection’ button (3) to select multiple lines and then access your selection via the ‘Selection’ button (4) on the bottom-left of the map screen
Multiple line selections can be made in a single pass via the ‘Selection’ button (1) (see image below), then using the mouse to select the required seismic lines on the map via the ‘Make Selection’ button (2), up to 100 lines can be selected and requested via the ‘Request Download’ button (3).
Selecting the ‘Request Download’ button creates a ‘pop-up form’ that has to be filled in with details about the request.
For non-commercial requests,select the request type ‘ NON-COMMERCIAL’, enter the requested details and confirm that the data is to be used for non-commercial purposes. Please note that, for simplicity, if only scanned sections are required it is still necessary to request the SEGY first: the scans will be sent with the SEGY, which can be discarded if not required (see below)
By selecting ‘Send Request’ for a non-commercial data request an email will be sent to Beneath Britain for assessment and request approval. Once approved, an email will be sent to the email address supplied on the form that will contain a download link to access the requested data.
Both 2D lines and 3D surveys can be requested as part of your non-commercial request.
For commercial requests select the request type ‘Industry Request’ enter the requested details and confirm the data types to be requested:
After all relevant details have been entered, select ‘Send Request’ to be provided with a quote via return email that will provide a license agreement and details of the cost, based on the revised rates announced in January 2022. Once signed, they will then be able to output the selected data based upon the details provided in the form.
UKOGL are pleased to announce that the Reconnaissance Licence Fee entitling access to post stack seismic data archived in the Library has been reduced to £7.50 per km.
This reduction is also reflected in the cost of any new data requests that are licensed under a Full Agreement, which are now reduced to £42.50 per km