BGS and Coal Authority Post Stack Seismic Data – View, Access & Download for free from UKOGL

UKOGL are pleased to announce that in agreement with the British Geological Survey, post stack digital data recorded by the BGS and the Coal Authority can now be accessed free of charge under the Open Government Licence by all users of the UKOGL interactive map.

Post stack data is output under an Open Government Licence by UKOGL to both academic and commercial entities with full confidentiality.

The post stack data coverage that can be accessed under the Open Government Licence via the UKOGL Interactive map is displayed below:

British Geological Survey Data – Blue        Coal Authority Data – Red

Lines on the map can be selected individually and added to your ‘Shopping Cart’ or by creating an ‘Area of Interest’ and then adding all lines in a single selection process.

Single line selection:

  1. Select each individual line
  2. Select ‘Add to Selection’ via the line information panel
  3. Select the ‘shopping cart’ icon to display the selected lines

Multiple line selection:

  1. On the map select the ‘shopping cart’ icon
  2. Select the ‘Make Selection’ icon
  3. Create an area of interest over the lines to automatically add them to your ‘basket’

Lines that have been added to your basket can be previewed and removed, allowing the data selection to be refined if required.

Data Access and Download:

Once all your required lines have been selected:

  1. Select the ‘Download’ icon
  2. Select the ‘Download Open Government Seismic Data’ icon
  3. Fill in your details, data options and email address and select ‘ Send Request’

Your data request for post stack seismic data will be sent to UKOGL and you will receive an email link to enable the data that’s available under the Open Government Licence to be downloaded.

Access to raw and pre-stack data under the Open Government Licence is available, but it may be subject to additional charges and fees and you will be contacted separately if pre-stack data is requested.

All seismic data not available under an Open Government Licence can still be licensed and accessed for both commercial and academic use through UKOGL.