2025 – UK Onshore Seismic Survey Release
The UK onshore seismic survey WYF3D19 and associated supporting data is now available to access from UKOGL following the end of the proprietary period.
Originally recorded in 2019 by Perenco, the 86km2 3D survey provides additional seismic data coverage over the Dorset South coast with the 1998 Wytch-Farm-98 3D survey situated to the North and Poole Bay located to the East.
Survey data is available for both commercial and academic use (subject to applicable licensing and output charges). Further information about the survey and access to the data is available via the UKOGL website and interactive map.

UKOGL provides further LAS files decoded from legacy STAR tapes
UKOGL is pleased to announce that Star Energy Group has kindly given it access to tapes containing legacy data from UK Onshore wells. These files have been transcribed by Ovation Data and Lynx Information Systems at UKOGL’s expense and have provided LAS files for 33 wells for which no data were previously available to UKOGL and a further 48 wells for which only partial data were previously available. All new data have now been uploaded to the UKOGL site (www.ukogl.co.uk) and are available for free download.

Separately, UKOGL has digitised logs of Guiting Power-1 and Winterborne Kingston-1 to generate LAS files. These are also now available for free download.
UKOGL – Deepwood Mining Data – important records rescued from a quarry building.
UKOGL Trustees are pleased to announce that we have recently completed the archive and release of previously unavailable pre and post-stack digital data sets from a number of Deepwood Mining exploration surveys, located onshore in the SW Pennines, 40 years after they were recorded.
These original digital seismic data sets were not available to UKOGL when prints of seismic lines were scanned and vectorised for archiving in 2005.
The Trustees would like to thank the British Geological Survey for their assistance in rescuing these data and making them available for archive. The data had been stored in very poor conditions for many years and this was reflected in the state of the media when supplied to UKOGL. Data rescued consisted of a range of media formats, including 9 track magnetic reels, hardcopy paper and sepia sections, navigation plots and contoured base maps. A large proportion of the hardcopy paper and sepia media was damp and covered in mould, having to be dried out and cleaned before any attempt could be made to assess and archive.

The 9 track magnetic reels were in a similar condition and were sent out to Ovation Data for stiction treatment and transcription in order to maximise the data recovery process.
Despite the very poor condition of the data, a large proportion has been recovered and is now available from UKOGL. Please contact us for more information.
Geological Society – Energy Group Award – 30 years of UKOGL
UK Onshore Geophysical Library is pleased to announce that Dr Malcolm Butler has been awarded the 2024 Geological Society Energy Group Medal for his significant contribution to the success of UKOGL from its initial inception in 1994 to the present day.
Developed in conjunction with Lynx Information Systems, UKOGL has been recognised as providing an ‘easy to use’ online experience enabling access to a continually increasing range of historic geophysical and geological data that it has supplied extensively to academia, industry and the general public over the past 30 years.
The data sought out, verified and archived by UKOGL were originally recorded in the exploration for oil, gas and coal onshore in the UK, but are now being repurposed for academic and commercial research into the development of geothermal energy, long-term storage of nuclear waste, Carbon Capture and Storage and the underground storage of Hydrogen.
More information about this award can be found here.
UKOGL Onshore Map: Wells Layer – New Search Option
UKOGL have added a new filter option to the Wells layer of the Interactive Map to helps users when searching for UK onshore data. The wells displayed on the map can now be filtered using the ‘UKOGL last updated since’ option to only display the wells that have had new or updated data added to the site since the user defined date.

Wells that haven’t had any new data added after the user selected date will not be displayed. The new filter option can be also be combined with other available search options to further refine a query.
UKOGL provides listing of bottom hole temperatures measured in wells drilled for oil & gas in the UK Onshore
UKOGL has generated a listing of 1,838 temperatures vs depths recorded by logging runs and testing from well data for UK Onshore wells. The listing can be downloaded in Excel format from UKOGL here. Note that downhole temperatures from logging runs are generally recorded shortly after drilling mud has been circulated and the readings are likely to be lower than actual formation temperatures.
BP Well Tapes
UKOGL is pleased to announce a significant enhancement to its digital well data offering,
Free to download via the interactive map.
BP has recently provided access to its extensive holding of onshore well tapes and, with initial transcription expertise from OvationData, all tapes have now been decoded and converted by Lynx Information Systems to LAS files that can be read without the need for specialist software.
As a result of this exercise, between February and April 2024 an additional 2,143 digital well log files have been added, with new data for 286 wells and boreholes now available for free access, as listed below. The substantial costs of this exercise will be met from UKOGL existing cash reserves.
New well data available for download:

DUG Technology Ltd provides interpretation software for Beneath Britain
UKOGL is very grateful for the provision at no charge of DUG Insight seismic interpretation software on an academic basis for use in Beneath Britain research projects. This provides a major boost to studies by our academic and retired associates on the deep geology of UK onshore areas.
New Data Available From UKOGL in Warwickshire: Daw Mill 3D Seismic & Borehole LAS Data
UKOGL are pleased to announce that post stack seismic data and digital LAS data located over the Daw Mill 3D survey in Warwickshire have been added to the UKOGL archive. The data is available to download via the UKOGL interactive map.
The new Coal Authority data over the area displayed in the map below can be accessed for free under the Open Government Licence.

The available post stack data for the Daw Mill survey was originally recorded and processed in 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2011, expanding the coverage to the South West of the original 2002 survey with each subsequent year of recording.
The final 2011 merged and reprocessed post stack 3D data volume provides full seismic data coverage over the Daw Mill survey area.
In support of the available 3D seismic, LAS data is available to download for 32 of the 37 coal boreholes that are currently displayed by UKOGL over the area of the Daw Mill 3D survey, and this includes comprehensive logging suites for the newly added Eaves Green Lane BH and Keatley Pool BH.
These two new data sets add to the coverage that’s already provided by the 2D Coal Authority seismic data over this area of Warwickshire (displayed in the map below). All Coal Authority data is available to download for free from the UKOGL interactive map.

BGS and Coal Authority Post Stack Seismic Data – View, Access & Download for free from UKOGL
UKOGL are pleased to announce that in agreement with the British Geological Survey, post stack digital data recorded by the BGS and the Coal Authority can now be accessed free of charge under the Open Government Licence by all users of the UKOGL interactive map.
Post stack data is output under an Open Government Licence by UKOGL to both academic and commercial entities with full confidentiality.
The post stack data coverage that can be accessed under the Open Government Licence via the UKOGL Interactive map is displayed below:

Lines on the map can be selected individually and added to your ‘Shopping Cart’ or by creating an ‘Area of Interest’ and then adding all lines in a single selection process.
Single line selection:

- Select each individual line
- Select ‘Add to Selection’ via the line information panel
- Select the ‘shopping cart’ icon to display the selected lines
Multiple line selection:

- On the map select the ‘shopping cart’ icon
- Select the ‘Make Selection’ icon
- Create an area of interest over the lines to automatically add them to your ‘basket’
Lines that have been added to your basket can be previewed and removed, allowing the data selection to be refined if required.
Data Access and Download:
Once all your required lines have been selected:

- Select the ‘Download’ icon
- Select the ‘Download Open Government Seismic Data’ icon
- Fill in your details, data options and email address and select ‘ Send Request’
Your data request for post stack seismic data will be sent to UKOGL and you will receive an email link to enable the data that’s available under the Open Government Licence to be downloaded.
Access to raw and pre-stack data under the Open Government Licence is available, but it may be subject to additional charges and fees and you will be contacted separately if pre-stack data is requested.
All seismic data not available under an Open Government Licence can still be licensed and accessed for both commercial and academic use through UKOGL.