New UKOGL Post Stack SEG-Y Archive – Coal Authority Data

Coal Authority Post Stack Data – New Archive

117 post stack SEG-Y format Coal Authority lines have recently been added to the UKOGL archive in April. Released in agreement between UKOGL, the BGS and the Coal Authority, the post stack SEG-Y format seismic data was previously unavailable for these lines and has been reconstructed by scanning and vectorising the hard copy sections by Lynx Information Systems Ltd.

The lines range in vintage from 1971 to 1991 and provide additional coverage over the offshore Durham coal field, Central England and Kent.

April 2017: Additional Coal Authority Post Stack Seismic Data Highlighted In Red.

More information regarding these lines and the availability of onshore seismic data recorded over the UK can be found via our interactive map or by contacting UKOGL direct

Well Tops & Two Way Times

We have undertaken a major update of our published well tops files with the addition of two way times for 424 wells as calculated from available well velocity surveys.

As with all such data, these interpretations are provided for guidance only and may be subject to later re-evaluation and revision.

Source documents for all wells are available from the Well Data Release Agents  who act on behalf of the Oil & Gas Authority.

This January 2017 update incorporates these wells.



Coal Authority 3D Surveys

In partnership with the British Geological Survey, we have now added a Coal Authority 3D Seismic Surveys layer to the interactive map as part of our ongoing Post Stack archive.

To date we have identified 6 surveys across the Midlands, South Wales and Scotland.


coa3d_walesSouth Wales


Field Development Plans Upload

In association with the Oil & Gas Authority we are continuing to upload Field Development Plans once they enter the public domain, normally after a 6 year period of confidentiality from the time of compilation.

3 new reports have been uploaded across the Midlands covering the Potteries Field in the west and Kings Mill and Old Mill Lane Vents in the Mansfield area in the east of the region.


2017 Release & Updated Shape File Downloads

We have revised the UKOGL seismic coverage to incoporate the surveys now released with the turning of the year. This brings into the public domain, 2D surveys acquired around Keyingham, Yorkshire and on the Isle of Wight, along with the the Broughton 3D survey in North Lincolnshire.

Updated Shape File downloads of both the 2D and 3D way-pointed navigation data are now available on the UKOGL Archives Page.



UKOGL Archive – Conoco Data

Two new Conoco surveys have been archived to UKOGL. The 1964 and 1965 vintage data sets consist of post stack SEG-Y and a scanned hard copy image for each line. The SEG-Y was reconstructed by scanning and vectorizing the sections.

The1965 Gloucester survey is comprised of 7 lines NW of the Severn Estuary located over an area without any previous available seismic data.

C65 Seismic Lines

The 1964 Wigton survey is located in Cumbria complimenting the seismic coverage that is already available over this area.


Both surveys can be licensed through UKOGL with high resolution JPEG images available for each line to provide an indication of data quality.

Prospex 2016

We are pleased to be in attendance at the annual UK Prospects Fair, to be held at the Business Design Centre, Islington, London over the 14th and 15th of December.

Full details of the event, exhibitors and talks can be found on the PESGB site.

We can be found at Booth 6 and look forward to welcoming you to our stand.



UKOGL September Archive – New Data Release

Two new surveys have been added to the UKOGL archive and are available to be licensed:

Located in South Yorkshire, survey CN642DL002 is comprised of 24km of 2D seismic data consisting of 7 lines recorded in 1964, the hard copy seismic sections were scanned and vectorized to create the SEG-Y data. High resolution JPEG images of the data are available to download for free.


Located in Lancashire, survey CN642DL003 is comprised of 15km of 2D seismic data consisting of 5 lines recorded in 1964, the hard copy seismic sections were scanned and vectorized to create the SEG-Y data. High resolution JPEG images of the data are available to download for free.


Coal Authority Seismic – July-August Updates

Work remains ongoing to compile a reconciled archive of Post Stack seismic surveys as acquired by the Coal Authority and its predecessors.

Over recent months imagery for an additional 331 lines have been added to the Online map, including transitional-marine surveys acquired Offshore Durham and at St. Bees in the southern sector of the Solway Firth.
