Total Depths Revisions

For a small number of the older legacy wells, recently sourced original Operator records have revealed that these wells were subsequently deepened and that this was not reflected on the graphic Composite Logs as presented at the time of submission.

UKOGL records have now been updated for the following:

EAKRING 34, 39, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 80, FORMBY G23, KELHAM HILLS 18 and WEST DRAYTON 2.

Whilst most revisions have been minor and not resulted in a change in the formation at TD, in the cases of EAKRING 34, 39 & 80 total depth is now in the Lower Carboniferous as opposed to the Upper or Middle Carboniferous as previously stated. UKOGL Well Tops presentations have been updated accordingly.

Well Formation Tops – New Search Facility

UKOGL have implemented an expanded and improved well search capability to the online interactive map focusing on the Well Formation Tops information that is held for each well.

Accessible via the contents panel, ‘Wells’ and ‘Additional Selected Boreholes’ can now be searched separately using a new set of filters and search options, these include:

Well Formation & Well Formation Age

Bottom Hole Age & Bottom Hole Formation

Well Operator

To search both the OGA ‘Wells’ and the ‘Additional Selected Boreholes’ separate searches should be performed on each well set.

For each set of wells the selected filters can be combined together and the results are automatically displayed on the map to quickly and easily target the displayed information.

Example Search Summary: The Well Formation Tops search options are located on the content side panel of the interactive map selected via:

Wells > Surface Locations > Search Box or Wells>Additional Selected Boreholes>Search Box

  • The Bottom Hole Age and Bottom Hole Formation can be filtered and searched using the ‘Drop down’ menu or by entering text in to the search box and selecting the filtered context suggestions.

  • On the ‘Bottom-Hole Age or older’ selection click on the ‘tick’ box to display all wells that also have a Bottom-Hole Age ‘older’ than the selected Bottom-Hole Age.
  • The Formation Age and Formation Tops can be filtered and searched using the ‘Drop down’ menu or by entering text in to the search box and selecting the filtered context suggestion.
  • On the ‘Formation Age or older’ selection click on the ‘tick’ box to display all wells that also contain formations older than the selected Formation Age.
  • The filtered results are displayed on the map with the option to zoom to the extent of the returned search results.

All filters can be combined to further refine each search performed upon the wells with each search result depicted by the wells displayed on the interactive map.

Select the ‘Remove layer filters’ icon to cancel all filters and re-display all available onshore wells.

Regional Study – Report Release

New Regional Study Release

UKOGL are pleased to be able to release and make available a new regional report that utilises the seismic images that are freely available on the UKOGL website. The independent report: The Value of UKOGL Seismic Lines in major engineering projects: The HS2 High-Speed Rail Project by Robin Grayson demonstrates the potential value of the seismic data that is archived and held by the UK Onshore Geophysical Library in planning large engineering projects in the UK.

The Value of UKOGL Seismic Lines in major engineering projects: The HS2 High-Speed Rail Project by Robin Grayson

UKOGL data is available for use by all interested parties, not just educational and commercial organisations but also the general public. In this case, the seismic lines show elements of the underlying deep geological structure that can have a large influence on the stability of major construction work and it is very encouraging to see our data utilised in this manner.

The report can be accessed either via the ‘Supplemental Resources’ side panel on the UKOGL home page, followed by selecting the ‘Regional and Government Studies’ link and then the  ‘Northern England’ option, or by using the ‘Catch All Reports Search’ icon on the UKOGL interactive map and clicking on the map over the Manchester area.

Industry Reports – Latest Release

A small batch of new Industry reports have been made available on the UKOGL webite, the Field Development Plans have been made available and released with the agreement of the Oil & Gas Authority.

Calow Field Development Plan

The latest released reports are located over PL213 (Calow), DL004 (Albury), PEDL068 (Kirkleatham) & PEDL141 (Nooks Farm) and can be downloaded from the UKOGL website either by the ‘Industry Activity Reports’ tab or the search facility on the interactive map.

UKOGL – Lynx Interactive 3D ‘Cube’ Viewer – Wytch Farm 3D survey

Following on from the release of the OGA onshore seismic data packages, Lynx Information Systems have updated the seismic viewer for the Wytch Farm 3D seismic data in the Anglo Paris Basin data package.

The 3D Seismic data can now be viewed as a ‘Cube’ using iSeisview.

The new viewer is enabled by default and provides an interactive 3D cube perspective view of the survey, allowing zoom and rotation to view inline and crossline profiles from any angle, with a choice of display styles and scales.

You can try out the new 3D viewer here

Wytch Farm 3D – iSeisview form Lynx

For more information about the Anglo Paris Basin data seismic data please contact UKOGL

If you have any questions about the viewer and its implementation then please contact Lynx.

2019 Seismic Release

With the turning of the year, a number of seismic surveys are now eligible for archive and release. These incorporate two 2D surveys acquired during 2014 over Cheshire and East Yorkshire along with three 3D surveys from 2013-14 acquired over East Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire and Dorset.

Prospex 2018

We will be exhibiting at the upcoming PESGB Prospex Conference to be held at the Business Design Centre Islington on December 12th & 13th 2018.

We hope that you can visit us at Booth Number 6 where representatives of the UKOGL Trustees along with the Lynx Administration Team would very much welcome the opportunity to meet you and provide details of our current activities and the wide range of resources that the Library has to offer.

Field & Prospect Wide Reports

We have recently added a new resource as extracted from the historic BP archives.

An extensive series of Field and Prospect wide reports dating from the 1930’s to the 1960’s are now available through the UKOGL website. Access can be found either by querying indidual Fields or Wells on the Interactive Map or via the Industry Activity Reports link on the home page. Reports have been uploaded for:

Undrilled Historic Prospects

We are pleased to announce the addition of  a unique new resource derived from the historic BP Archives.

The ‘Undrilled Historic Prospects’ layer displays the locations of past exploration proposals that were not pursued at the time, whilst also providing access to the recommendations and supplementary documentation put forward during the original assessments.

Bath Spa Seismic

The Bath Spa Geothermal Project was commissioned by Bath & NE Somerset council in 1999. As part of the work to gain an enhanced understanding and management of the hot springs that flow into the city, a new seismic survey was designed to investigate the deep geology of the Bath area with special emphasis on the Carboniferous Limestone, the thermal water aquifer.

A total of 6 new 2D seismic lines (20.64 km) were shot in and around the city centre and both the Pre Stack and Processed data sets have been provided for the UKOGL archives.

UKOGL would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Bath & NE Somerset Council for granting permission for this key data set to be made available through the Library.