Donor Boreholes

An additional information field of ‘Donor Bore’ has been added to the Well Data display box. Where source information has been available for verification, this identifies the parent track of wells that are deviated off an existing borehole.


This may be of particular support for wells with multiple sidetracks and laterals.

UKOGL-RG-007 – New UKOGL Regional Line

A new regional profile, UKOGL-RG-07 has been compiled and loaded to the UKOGL Map.


The line, a  SSW-NNE profile extending from near Newport, on the Bristol Channel, through the Lower Paleozoic basins of the Welsh Borderlands into the Upper Paleozoic basins of Shropshire and Staffordshire, where it intersects with Profiles UKOGL-RG-005 and UKOGL-RG-006.

The free high resolution JPEG images of the 254km line are available as colour and grey scale versions and the digital SEGY data is available under licence for this regional profile at the standard rate of £1000.00 / profile. (Please contact UKOGL for more details.)

A detailed overview of the line and an interpreted version will be added to the website in the near future.

Coal Authority Seismic

With kind permission of the British Geological Survey, we are now able to provide identification and additional meta data for the Coal Authority Seismic layer.


The BGS act as data custodians for the Coal Authority and the information button provides a direct link to the relevant BGS web page, with details for data access to all interested parties.


Prospex 2014

UKOGL will be exhibiting at the upcoming Prospex 2014 Fair, to be held at the Business Design Centre, Islington, London over the 10th and 11th of December. Full details of the event, as run by the PESGB, can be found here.

Please come and visit, you can find us on Booth 6.


Additional DECC Layers

In association with the recent upgrade to Licence information, additional layers are now available, as provided through the DECC Web Service. Recent additions to the UKOGL map include an expanded Hydrocarbons Fields layer and a backdrop of current Shale Prospective areas.



Licence Information Upgrade

On the back of ongoing developments by the Mapping & GIS team at DECC, we are now able to display current Licence information direct from their Web Service. This not only ensures that Licence boundaries are kept updated but also allows for the display of additional information such as administrative and group members.


DECC provide hyperlinks to original Licence documentation, which can also be accessed through the UKOGL web map.


Web Site Issues

Recent Windows Updates appear to have had an adverse affect on the functionality of the UKOGL Interactive Map when viewed with Internet Explorer. We are working hard to identify and resolve these issues.
Currently the map has been tested to work with Internet Explorer 8-11. If you experience problems it may help to clear the browser cache and reload the map.
Alternative browsers are unaffected and the site appears robust when utilised with either Chrome, Firefox or Opera.

The UKOGL Team


Time Filter Update

The Time Filter function has now been upgraded to allow 2D seismic and wells to be filtered independently of each other. For example, in the snap shot below, the seismic has been filtered to just show those lines acquired between 1945 and 1970, displayed against a backdrop of the current wells coverage.


DECC Licence Relinquishment Reports

Licence Relinquishment Reports, as provided to DECC by operators, are available to view and save through the Historic Tab on the UKOGL interactive map.


Recent enhancements include the addition of a drop down list in the Table Of Contents, detailing the Licences for which reports are currently available, along with a quick view facility.