Proprietary Seismic Surveys

In partnership with the Oil & Gas Authority and the UK Onshore Operators Group, the locations of recently acquired 2D and 3D proprietary seismic surveys are now available to view through the On-Line Map.

All are displayed with basic information only, for reference but not for selection and individual surveys will only be added as the finalised locations become available to UKOGL.

Such surveys are held for a proprietary period of between 3 to 5 years depending on the Licence terms under which they were acquired. A prospective release date is provided subject to any representations that may be lodged by the Operator.


Coal Authority Seismic – June Updates

An additional 159 Coal Authority 2D lines have been added to the archive this month and seismic images uploaded for preview through the On-Line Map.

This includes 2 significant offshore surveys shot over the Point Of Ayr Prospect located just off the North Wales and Merseyside coast line.


East Midlands Field Development Plans

We have uploaded a new batch of reports to supplement our archive of legacy Field Development Plans, released on behalf of the OGA. All date from the 1990’s and cover East Midlands fields:

  • Bothamsall
  • Corringham
  • Egmanton
  • Glentworth
  • Kirklington
  • Long Clawson
  • Rempstone
  • South Leverton
  • Torksey


Geologists’ Association Dorset Coast Guide

We are pleased to make available a series of 6 regional transect interpretations as compiled by UKOGL in support of the GA Guide No. 22 – ‘Geology of the Dorset Coast’ (2nd Edition-2016) by John C. W. Cope.

dorset guide

All profiles are published both with and without interpretation, along with a detailed synopsis of each transect. With the kind permission of the Geologists’ Association these interpretations and a brief overview are also available to view and download through the UKOGL web site. Please see the associated News Post ‘UKOGL Seismic Interpretations’ for access details.

This publication is just one of a wide ranging series of guides produced by the GA that will be of interest to both the professional and amateur geologist alike. For full details please visit the GA Field Guides Page.





UKOGL Seismic Interpretations

We have created a new map layer to provide easy access to our compilation of UKOGL Seismic Interpretations.


This pulls together our existing Regional Transects series, along with a shorter set of merged profiles produced in support of the GA publication ‘Geology of the Dorset Coast’ – see the associated News Post ‘Geologists’ Association Dorset Coast Guide’ for further details.

Each profile is provided as a PDF presentation to view and download.



Further transects and interpretations will be added as and when they are compiled.

Coal Authority Seismic – May Updates

Images for an additional 176 Coal Authority 2D profiles have been uploaded this month.

This includes significant coverage over the Kellingley Prospect (Yorkshire), Witham (East Midlands) and Amble-Alnmouth Bay (Offshore Northumberland).


Coal Authority Seismic On-Line Images

As part of our ongoing reconciliation of the Coal Authority Post Stack seismic archive, we are pleased to announce that, along with the provision of an updated map layer, we have started to upload seismic images of this coverage. Side-labels have been created for all lines and the seismic images will continue to be added over 2016 as the archive is completed.



This coverage offers a valued addition to the national archive, providing infill for many areas of the UK not surveyed by the Oil & Gas sector.

Presently, the map coverage displays the Coal Authority lines for which Post Stack data exists but we aim to add an additional layer showing lines that have been acquired but not processed to date.

This work is being carried out in partnership with the British Geological Survey (BGS). Post Stack data can be Licensed directly through UKOGL, however Pre Stack Field Data is only available directly from the BGS at present.

New CBM Prospectivity Report

The Oil & Gas Authority have released a new Coal Bed Methane (CBM) Prospectivity Report as compiled by IGas and partners over their joint venture Licences across the North West, East Midlands and Yorkshire regions of the UK.


The aim of this new analysis was to evaluate all available data on the Pennine Coal Measures and to determine whether CBM could be economically recovered across this acreage.

The full report can be accessed through the Interactive Map / Industry Reports Links on the main UKOGL website or directly via this Link (26MB pdf)

‘Catch All’ Reports Search

We have added a new function to the Interactive Map allowing the user to interrogate the entire Industry Reports & Resources online archive via a ‘catch all’ search.


By selecting a point of interest, the footprint is able to identify all underlying National Grid references, Licences and Fields, even if not displayed, and locate all available associated reports.

The results are displayed chronologically providing hyperlinked access to Licence Applications, Licence Activity Reports, Field Development Plans and Licence Relinquishments, along with regional based resources including BGS Prospectivity Reports, UK Coal Resources & New Exploitation Technologies Maps and BGS Sub-Surface Memoirs.