Schools Project – New Resource

We are pleased to announce that a new academic resource, as developed by the University of Derby and funded by UKOGL, is now available through the UKOGL website.

Compiled by Jack Higginson and Martin Whiteley, ‘Maps & Map Interpretation – An Introduction For Geoscientists’ provides a wide range of walk through exercises designed as both an educational tool and a teaching resource.

This can be accessed and downloaded via the Academic Support or Guides links on the UKOGL home page.

Alternatively a PowerPoint presentation or PDF document with embedded Presenter Comments can be accessed here.

Guides Resource

A new ‘Guides’ section has been added to the Main Menu on the UKOGL Home Page, where  additional general support material will be uploaded as it becomes available.

(Images taken from ‘An Introduction to Onshore Seismic Acquisition & Processing’ – Malcolm Butler September 2017).

UKOGL Archive – New Lines – September 2017

Over 70 new seismic lines have been added to the UKOGL archive this month. Ranging from offshore Country Durham, the Midlands to South Wales this brings the total Coal Authority post stack line coverage now available through UKOGL to over 3000 lines in both SEG-Y and scanned hard copy section images.

The digital data was not available for these lines and was created by scanning, and vectorizing the hard copy sections to SEG-Y by Lynx Information Systems. UK British National Grid co-ordinates have been inserted in to the trace headers to ensure that the lines are ready for workstation loading and interpretation.


Additional Borehole Coverage

As a supplement to our primary Exploration wells coverage we now serve an additional wells layer of selected additional deep boreholes compiled over areas of limited exisiting coverage and control.

Providing access to an expanded Formation Tops database this resource has been compiled from a number of open access sources and sub surface memoirs, primarily derived from information held within the British Geological Survey’s Borehole Scans archive. For further information and access to extensive source records please visit the BGS site.

This compilation is an ongoing project and is still in its early stages, with the initial focus being across the south of England. New data will be added on a regular basis and this layer, shown as blue ringed well spots,  can be displayed on the map via the Wells Tab in the Table of Contents as below.

Coal Authority – New Post Stack Seismic

A new batch of Coal Authority post stack seismic data has been archived and made available to view and license through the UKOGL website.

This adds 112 new lines to the UKOGL coverage and is comprised of both stack and migrated versions. Many of these lines were previously only available as hardcopy sections as the digital data was not available. The SEGY data has been either loaded from the original files or reconstructed by scanning and vectorizing the sections by Lynx Information Systems to recreate the lines.

The majority of the lines highlighted in maroon in the image above, were recorded in the 1990’s. All lines have British National Grid X-Y co-ordinates inserted in to the trace headers and are available to be licensed immediately. Please contact UKOGL for more information regarding these lines or for any of the other data  sets available from UKOGL.

Oldham Associates Regional Report On-Line

We are pleased to announce the addition to our Regional Reports archive of a key legacy study as undertaken by Oldham Associates in 1984 over landward areas of Northern England.

The report, entitled ‘Prospects and Plays in the East Irish Sea and Solway Basins’, provides a geological framework along with a detailed assessment of 13 identified prospects throughout the region.

The report can be accessed via the Regional and Government Studies link (Northern England) on the UKOGL front page or through the ‘catch all’ search function on the on-line map.

We wish to extend our gratitude to both Les Oldham and Robin Grayson, co-authors of the report, for their kind permission to allow this resource to be made freely available through the UKOGL webite.

Both Les and Robin can be contacted directly with regards to this report and also for any prospective studies for which their expertise may be of support.


Regional & Government Studies

We are pleased to announce a new resource that provides access to our archive of regional studies as carried out across the UK Onshore. This compliation pulls together a series of key reports as undertaken by UK government departments, the British Geological Survey and other partner organisations, covering such topics as Prospectivity Assessments, Shale Studies and Unconventional Resources.

Furthermore UKOGL will make available additional regional reports as compiled by Operators and Consultants where permissions to release are granted.

This resource can be accessed via the link on the Home page…

…or through the Reports icon on the Interactive Map 

Field Development Plan Upload

In association with the Oil & Gas Authority we continue to upload Field Development Plans once they enter the public domain, normally after a 6 year period of confidentiality from the time of compilation.

1 new report has been added for the Llangeinor CBM prospect in South Wales.

Well Deviation Paths now On-Line

We are pleased to annouce a significant enhancement to the UKOGL On-Line map with the addition of the Well Deviation Paths (where known).

These have been compiled from Directional Survey information published by the Operators and contain both wells where the locational values have been supplied and wells where the locational path has been calculated from the available survey information. For the calculated paths the TD locations may differ from those as reported by the Operators.

By querying individual wells, either directly on the map or via the Search Box, access can be gained to data qualifiers and to the source surveys.

These presentations and downloads are provided for general guidance and may be subject to alteration and revision, especially where new data may become available or where wells are re-surveyed.

Field Development Plans Upload

In association with the Oil & Gas Authority we continue to upload Field Development Plans once they enter the public domain, normally after a 6 year period of confidentiality from the time of compilation.

1 new report has been added covering the Calverton Vent in Nottinghamshire.