Undrilled Historic Prospects

We are pleased to announce the addition of  a unique new resource derived from the historic BP Archives.

The ‘Undrilled Historic Prospects’ layer displays the locations of past exploration proposals that were not pursued at the time, whilst also providing access to the recommendations and supplementary documentation put forward during the original assessments.

Bath Spa Seismic

The Bath Spa Geothermal Project was commissioned by Bath & NE Somerset council in 1999. As part of the work to gain an enhanced understanding and management of the hot springs that flow into the city, a new seismic survey was designed to investigate the deep geology of the Bath area with special emphasis on the Carboniferous Limestone, the thermal water aquifer.

A total of 6 new 2D seismic lines (20.64 km) were shot in and around the city centre and both the Pre Stack and Processed data sets have been provided for the UKOGL archives.

UKOGL would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Bath & NE Somerset Council for granting permission for this key data set to be made available through the Library.

OGA 31st Round – Blocks Offered – Onshore Seismic Data

Following on from the Oil & Gas Authority launch of the 31st Offshore Licensing Round, a number of the offshore blocks offered in this round are located ‘near-shore’ adjacent to areas that have onshore seismic coverage available from UKOGL.

Recorded for the exploration of oil, gas and coal, the data sets include both onshore, transition zone and offshore surveys adjacent to or over the blocks offered.

The coal data is available to be licensed through UKOGL under agreement with the BGS and The Coal Authority.

Please contact either UKOGL direct or use our online interactive map and viewer for more information or to compile a data request.

The maps below displays the areas of onshore data located adjacent to the blocks on offer.

BP Archives – Well Reports

With work on the BP Well Reports donation close to completion we have started to identify items new to the national archives and make them available through the on-line map.

Under agreement, these presently just relate to the older vintage wells as curated by the BGS but do offer an extensive resource dating back to the earliest days of the onshore exploration industry.

This will be an ongoing upload over the coming months and therefore to assist with the identification of wells with related items we have added an extended Filtering Function to the Wells layers as illustrated below.

Additional Boreholes and the BP Archives

As part of our continued expansion of our Additional Boreholes coverage we are now serving related documents taken from the legacy reports archive as donated to the Library by BP.

These can be accessed via the Additional Details ‘View’ link, as shown below, displayed when a given borehole is searched for or queried directly.

Legacy Regional Evaluations

We are pleased to announce the addition of 2 extensive Regional Studies as undertaken by BP in the late 1980’s and as kindly donated by BP to the Library archives.

A Technical Evaluation of the Cleveland Basin, Northern England (Jan 1989)

Carboniferous Stratigraphy of the West Midlands and Adjacent Areas of N.W.England and North Wales (Nov 1988)

Both can be found via the ‘Regional and Government Studies’ link on the UKOGL home page.

New Academic Initiative

Monday March 12th sees the launch of the new UKOGL Academic Hub ‘Beneath Britain’ to be based at Oxford University.

This will not only service all future academic requests but will provide unique research opportunities to further our understanding of the subsurface UK with workstation access to the complete UKOGL seismic archive.

The Library is currently seeking to work in partnership with the BGS and other parties to be able to provide an enhanced offering incorporating borehole records and geological backdrops.

More details and full contacts will be posted shortly and during this transitional set up period the UKOGL team can be contacted as normal for any academic enquiries.

2016 OGA UK Onshore Seismic Data Download

The 2016 OGA UK onshore seismic data release packages are now available to be downloaded via the UKOGL Interactive Map website.

The UKOGL Interactive map provides immediate access to the onshore reprocessed data packages and the post stack 2D and 3D SEG-Y data can be viewed before downloading using iSeisview – An online seismic data viewer developed by Lynx Information Systems Ltd. that enables the user to interactively view the Post Stack SEG-Y in real-time.

Only the reprocessed 2D post stack SEG-Y and 3D data that forms part of the 2016 OGA data can be viewed in iSeisview.

The seismic viewer developed by Lynx enables SEG-Y data in 2D or 3D inline and crossline profiles to be displayed interactively in a web browser and allows the user to select display styles, zoom levels, horizontal and vertical scales and trace amplitudes of the SEG-Y data.

Access to the 2016 OGA onshore data packages via the UKOGL Interactive map does not require a login.

The freely available government funded reprocessed onshore data is comprised of UK onshore reprocessed 2D post stack SEG-Y data, SEG-Y gathers, navigation data and supporting processing reports located over three onshore areas of the UK:

  • Isle of Skye
  • Solway Firth
  • South Coast of England.

The original processed 3D Wytch-Farm-98 post stack SEG-Y data is also available as part of the South Coast data set with all inlines and crosslines available to be assessed interactively using iSeisview before downloading.

How to Access the Data

Access to the OGA Onshore data packages is via the contents sidebar on the UKOGL Interactive Map as indicated below.

2016 OGA Reprocessed 2D and 3D Seismic displayed via the ‘tick’ box

The reprocessed 2D Post Stack SEG-Y data and 3D Post-Stack SEG-Y survey can be viewed immediately by selecting the “Live Seismic Viewer” option to assess the data using iSeisView or, by selecting the “View and Download Files” option a Virtual Data Room developed by Lynx will be launched for each area to easily access all onshore files that have been made available as part of the 2016 Government-Funded UK onshore reprocessed data packages.

Following line selection – Option to interactively view the available SEG-Y data or access and download the data

The “View and Download Files” option launches the Lynx Virtual Data Room: 2D lines can be selected and the SEG-Y data viewed interactively via iSeisview either by selecting each line from the “Map” or via a “2D Seismic Line List” view.

Virtual Data Room – The selection of a 2D line enables the SEG-Y data to viewed interactively using iSeisview

To view inlines or crosslines from the available 3D survey in iSeisview, ‘hover’ over and ‘click’ on the 3D survey and then use the left mouse button to select an inline or the right mouse button to select a crossline.

The left mouse button is used to select an inline to view via iSeisview from the 3D survey.

The right mouse button is used to select a crossline to view via iSeisview from the 3D survey.

EBCDIC header information, inlines and crosslines can also be selected using the options via the SEG-Y viewer.

To download the available data select the “Download Files” tab.  The data for each package can  be quickly and easily selected for download using the ‘tick’ boxes. Data for each area and line has been grouped and “pre-zipped” in to associated processed versions, SEG-Y gathers, reports, velocity files and navigation data files to streamline access to the data packages.

Select files and download via the “Download Files” tab.

The terms of the use of the data as supplied as part of the 2016 OGA data release packages can be found in: Oil and Gas Authority user Agreement.

The 2016 offshore data packages are available from download via the UKOilandGasData portal.


Prospex 2017

We will be exhibiting at the upcoming Prospex Conference as organised by the PESGB, to be held at the Design Centre Islington from December 13th to 14th 2017.

Located at Booth Number 6, representatives of the UKOGL Trustees along with the Lynx Administration Team would very much welcome the opportunity to meet you to answer any enquiries and to provide an overview of the wide range of activites and resources that the Library has to offer in support of Industry Activity and Academia.