In partnership with the British Geological Survey, we are pleased to be able to offer PDF overviews of the 4 current Regional Sub Surface Memoirs, as available through the BGS. These can be located via the Contents Box on the main UKOGL map page and provide details of contents, figures and enclosures for each Memoir.
UKOGL at the Festival Of Geology
UKOGL at Prospex 2013
UKOGL will be attending the Prospex-2013 Conference and exhibition, held at the Business Design Centre, Islington on the 11th and 12th December 2013.
Please come and visit our stand (booth no. 6) on the main exhibition level to find out about the data that is available in support of UK onshore oil and gas exploration, academic research and teaching. Three Regional Profiles created by UKOGL will be displayed in full for you to view, study, enjoy or just discuss with colleagues the regional structures and geology of the UK.
We look forward to seeing you there.
S.E.A. Map Layer Added
In association with DECC, we have added the onshore Strategic Environmental Assessment areas (2010) as an additional interactive background map layer.
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is the process of appraisal through which environmental protection and sustainable development may be considered, and factored into national and local decisions regarding Government (and other) plans and programmes – such as oil and gas licensing rounds and other offshore energy developments, including renewables and gas and carbon dioxide storage.
Durham Talk
Rachel Jamieson, a key contributor to the interpretation of UKOGLs Regional Profiles collection, will be presenting a talk at the upcoming GA Conference in Durham on the role of onshore and offshore mapping in the Flamborough Head area. Full details of the conference and the abstract of the talk can be found below.
Geologist’s Association Talk
Lyme Regis Fossil Festival
UKOGL were in attendance at the recent Lyme Regis Fossil Festival, held over the May Bank Holiday weekend. We were pleased to be able to assist with sponsorship of the event and also offer support to the Trusts longer term aim of establishing the Jurassic Coast Studies Centre. For full details of the festival and associated projects, please visit:
At the festival, UKOGL exhibited with the University Of Derby’s SubSurf Rocks schools initiative, with the joint aim of promoting the teaching of Geology in schools.