UKOGL have recently completed a project to improve the coverage of 2D SEGY format migrated seismic data available in UKOGL. Migrated hardcopy sections for 219 lines have been scanned and vectorised to SEGY and are now available for release. The lines were selected to ‘infill’ areas that previously lacked migrated SEGY data coverage.
The image below displays the 219 lines selected over England overlaid on top of the complete 2D onshore seismic coverage available through UKOGL.

The image below displays the new 2D data set (red lines) that improves and complements the comprehensive 2D migrated coverage (purple lines) already available in UKOGL; infilling areas that previously had limited SEGY format migrated data.

Please contact UKOGL for more information about the new update to the post stack SEGY archive or for any other questions that you may have about UKOGL.
The migrated hardcopy sections were scanned and vectorised by Lynx Information Systems, output to SEGY and are now ready for workstation loading.