New Regional Study Release
UKOGL are pleased to be able to release and make available a new regional report that utilises the seismic images that are freely available on the UKOGL website. The independent report: The Value of UKOGL Seismic Lines in major engineering projects: The HS2 High-Speed Rail Project by Robin Grayson demonstrates the potential value of the seismic data that is archived and held by the UK Onshore Geophysical Library in planning large engineering projects in the UK.

The Value of UKOGL Seismic Lines in major engineering projects: The HS2 High-Speed Rail Project by Robin Grayson
UKOGL data is available for use by all interested parties, not just educational and commercial organisations but also the general public. In this case, the seismic lines show elements of the underlying deep geological structure that can have a large influence on the stability of major construction work and it is very encouraging to see our data utilised in this manner.
The report can be accessed either via the ‘Supplemental Resources’ side panel on the UKOGL home page, followed by selecting the ‘Regional and Government Studies’ link and then the ‘Northern England’ option, or by using the ‘Catch All Reports Search’ icon on the UKOGL interactive map and clicking on the map over the Manchester area.