14th Round Opens

With the opening of the 14th Onshore round, we have updated the UKOGL Map to display the blocks on offer (pale orange).


For official information on the round, please visit the DECC website here.

Energy Source

The 2D seismic information display has been revamped and now includes Acquisition Contractor and Energy Source.


Full Field and Processing parameters, as presented on the original seismic sections, still remain available to view via the Side Label hyperlink.

Post Codes & Gazetteer

We have expanded our Interactive Map search functionality to now include Post Codes and a full Gazetteer, allowing for the efficient location of  and zoom to any area of interest.



Governmental Layers

We have added a new layer to the Interactive Map, allowing for the display of governmental administrative and electoral boundaries. This information is supplied as an Open Data Source by the Ordnance Survey through their Boundary-Line product.


Prospecting Licences

We are pleased to be able to provide a unique view of the licensing regime prior to the introduction of Production Licences in 1967. Utilising original hand written ledgers as held in Whitehall archives and on-line records from the London Gazette, we have been able to piece together a complete history of Prospecting Licences, as issued between 1935 and 1965 (extant until 1968).

Through the Historic View on the Interactive Map, we have added an additional layer constructed from a legacy BP base map, displaying a snapshot of the Prospecting Licence coverage in 1966. Prior to 1967, licence boundaries were not based on the UK National Grid.


The hyperlink on the Table Of Contents, provides access to a full chronological history of all Prospecting Licences, including additional links to the original London Gazette publications detailing the geographical definitions of each licence at the time of initial award (reproduced with kind permission of the London Gazette). General background information on Prosepcting Licences, is provided via the information icon in the results box.



Web Map Upgrade

We have just launched a redesign of our Web Map application, as part of our plans for adding new functionality and additional data layers over the course of 2014. We sincerely hope that you enjoy the new look and feel to the site. We will keep you posted on new developments via the News Feed.


The UKOGL Team

Regional Profiles Seminar

In January, UKOGL chaired a discussion group at the Geological Society, to share knowledge of the deep geology of the onshore UK and to discuss new insights that had been raised with the production by UKOGL of a series regional seismic transects across the main landward basins.

The meeting was attended by:
Malcolm Butler (UKOGL), Chris Pullan (UKOGL-Celtique), Gary Kirby (UKOGL-ex BGS), Dorothy Satterfield (UKOGL-University Of Derby), Toni Harvey (DECC), Nigel Smith (BGS), Tim Pharaoh (BGS), John Underhill (Heriot-Watt University), Rachel Jamieson (Heriot-Watt University) and Ian Roche (Aurora).


Photograph by kind permission of Professor John Underhill. Any similarities to John Cooke’s 1915 painting ‘Piltdown Gang’ in the background is purely coincidental.

2014 Seismic Release

With the turning of the year, 1 additional seismic survey has been released into the public domain and is now available to view through the UKOGL web map.

2009 2D survey as acquired by Hurricane west of Perth.


Mosaic Reports

With the kind permission of Mosaic Information Solutions, we are now able to provide overview PDF files detailing the contents, figures and tables contained in Mosaics extensive Reports archive, as managed on behalf of the Department Of Energy & Climate Change.

These are tied to the original Licences and can be accessed via the Historic view.

Mosaic 2

Mosaic 3