UKOGL Archives

The Library’s primary archive is that of digital seismic data, which is available for purchase through UKOGL. Access details can be found under the Data Licensing tab above.

Displays of the geographical coverage, along with supporting information and selection tools, can be accessed via the UKOGL Interactive Map. The map also provides free access to high quality JPEG images of the entire seismic archive.

Exploration – 2D & 3D Seismic Data

With over 87,000km of 2D seismic data and more than 2,900 square km of 3D seismic survey data acquired from the onshore exploration of oil, gas and coal in the UK, the Library strives to locate all available data items pertaining to each seismic profile, with the aim of providing a fully reconciled archive of:

  • Original pre-stack field records de-multiplexed to SEG-Y.
  • Supporting scanned observers reports and associated acquisition documents.
  • Line location data in UKOOA format.
  • Processed post-stack and migrated data in SEG-Y.
  • Hardcopy and scanned seismic sections.

UKOGL is able to guarantee the provision of Post Stack data for each line held, however the supply of the Pre Stack field records and supporting acquisition data is on a best effort basis only. While these data have been archived for the majority of surveys, there are occurrences where the original tapes and documents could not be located. UKOGL remain active in seeking any outstanding items.

British Geological Survey and Mining Remediation Authority – 2D & 3D Seismic Data

UKOGL has also entered into a collaborative agreement with the British Geological Survey (BGS) whereby onshore seismic surveys held by the BGS are also available through UKOGL. These include:

  • Pre and Post Stack data for surveys shot for the BGS and its predecessors.
  • Post Stack data for Mining Remediation Authority (formerly the Coal Authority) surveys acquired by the National Coal Board (NCB) and its successor, the British Coal Corporation (BCC).

Regional Profiles

Utilising the seismic archive, UKOGL has embarked upon a program to compile a series of reprocessed composite profiles, providing a new regional insight across the UK.

The aim is to allow local areas of interest to be viewed in a regional context, gaining a better understanding of the development of basins over time and, in the case of economic geologists, assisting in the search for trends of interest in support of future licensing applications. Current profiles are:

Profile Coverage KM
UKOGL-RG-001 Sussex Coast (S) to Surrey (N) 73
UKOGL-RG-002 Solway (W) to Northumberland (E) 159
UKOGL-RG-003 Whitby (N) to Humber (S) 116
UKOGL-RG-004 Wytch Farm(S) to Oxford Basin (N) 228
UKOGL-RG-005 Welsh Borders (W) to Lincolnshire Coast (E) 299
UKOGL-RG-006 Lancaster (N) to Birmingham (S) 304
UKOGL-RG-007 South Wales (S) to Staffordshire (N) 253

As with the main seismic archive, images of the regional profiles can be accessed through the UKOGL Interactive Map.

UKOGL also has access to a number of historical merged profiles, compiled by operators previously active onshore in the UK. Unlike the UKOGL profiles, these are made available in their original form without any additional processing.

Profile Coverage KM
BPRG-85-01 S. Yorkshire (N) to S. Derbyshire (S) 61
BPRG-85-02 Leicestershire (S) to Beckingham (N) 88
BPRG-86-04 Merseyside (W) to Cheshire (E) 80

Navigation Data

The UK Onshore 2D and 3D navigation data supplied by UKOGL is based upon the UK (British) National Grid.  The shape files of the exploration coverage that are available for download below have been resampled from the archive to provide a general 2D line or 3D survey location.

2D – Shape File coverage available here.

3D – Shape File coverage available here.

While the UK Onshore Geophysical Library has made all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of this information, it does not warrant the integrity of the data. The Library will not be liable in contract or in tort for any loss, damage, expense or injury of any nature suffered by the user as a result of the use of, or reliance on, this data.

Industry Reports

The UKOGL Industry Reports Archive has been compiled from documents submitted to the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) and its predecessors under onshore licensing regulations and includes Applications, on-going Licence activities, Relinquishments and Field Development Plans. This extensive archive is provided as part of the Library’s free resources, detailed below.

Free Resources

In addition to the digital archive available under Licence, the Library is also able to provide free access to an extensive range of associated imagery, reports, maps and information, through direct links listed on this page, the Supplemental Resources links to the right of this page, or via the UKOGL Interactive Map. These currently include:

  • 2D seismic images, side-labels and meta-data.
  • 3D survey sample displays and meta-data.
  • Exploration Licence details including Historic Licences.
  • Exploration Well (Borehole) meta-data, Well Tops and Composite Log Headers.
  • Industry Reports.
  • Governmental Prospectivity Maps and Reports.
  • Links to local Geological Groups

UK Onshore Borehole Data: Bottom Hole Temperatures

UKOGL has generated a listing of temperatures recorded by logging runs and testing from well data for UK Onshore wells.  The listing can be downloaded in Excel format here. Note that downhole temperatures from logging runs are generally recorded shortly after drilling mud has been circulated and the readings are likely to be lower than actual formation temperatures.